
Thursday, December 23, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 23rd

Shopping. Eating. Sleeping. Playing. Visiting. These are a few of my favorite things! It is Christmas Eve Eve, you know, the eve before Christmas Eve. What better way to end the day than watching Emma Kate open her first ever Christmas present. She has to open one a night until Christmas. You know she is just itching to open all of them, well WE are just itching for her to open them! I think I am more excited about this being her first Christmas than when I was little and anticipating Christmas morning!!!!!

Well, I have to get some rest tonight! Tomorrow is a big day......I have to get her stocking ready and decide how I want to set up her toys around the tree tomorrow night. We have special Christmas pj's for her tomorrow night and a special pair for Christmas morning when we open presents. A little overboard? No Way No How! It is her first Christmas and our first Christmas as parents, so don't you judge!
I don't want to rush it and make her grow up any faster than what she already is, but is it Christmas yet?!?!?!?
Merry Christmas Eve Eve.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 22nd

We have not put gifts under our tree for two reasons. One, we were not going to be home for Christmas, we were going to be at my parents. Two, I did not want to have to tell Emma Kate don't touch, don't pull, pleas don't touch, no-no, etc.
So, when we arrived at Pop and MiMi's tonight, Emma Kate thought it was amazing to see wrapped presents under such a large Christmas Tree. Her reaction was priceless!

Lil' Booger is ready for Christmas morning! She loved shaking her presents and hearing some of them rattle! We are going to have so much fun in a few days. I don't know who is more excited me or Emma Kate.....wait...... I am more excited!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 21st

Little booger had one of those rare days when she was tired but refused to sleep and all she wanted was to be in my lap. Therefore, I did not accomplish anything but snapping a few photos of her hamming it up for the camera.

It was fun taking pictures with her on the hearth until she started climbing around too much and then it was no longer fun for me and she got mad because she couldn't do what she wanted.

I wish I knew how to post a video.......Emma Kate said her 4th word tonight....Bye Bye Bye. We had Auntie LeeLee on speaker talking to her while we had supper. When it was time for us to say bye, I told Emma Kate to say bye bye and she, being the brilliant child that she is, starting waving to the phone. Then out of the blue, she starting saying bye bye bye while simultaneously waiving her hand. It was the cutest thing ever, and if I was capable of putting a video on the blog, then I could share with you just how smart she is.

Of course after supper, she once again did what she always the tupperware cabinet and pull everything out and then proceed to stand in the dishwasher and splash in the water that drains off the clean dishes.

Only 4 more days until Emma Kate's first Christmas!!!! I cannot wait!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 20th

All I have to say is that I have the cutest baby ever! Period. The pictures (I can't choose just one to post tonight) tell it all. Emma Kate was into everything today and we had so much fun taking pictures of her exploring everything. She was one busy little girl today.

So we had a nice long afternoon nap after playing with the basket all morning. The nap was a good one. The only way you know its a good nap is when you wake up with sheet impressions on the face and mega bed hair. The kind of hair that looks like a rat slept in it. Poor little thing doesn't have that much hair, so it was really crazy!

After waking up (and it doesn't take long for her), she thought she would show daddy how to use the computer. Funny thing is, she hits buttons that we had no idea did certain things. She has taught us things about the computer!

I apologize to anyone that may or may not have received a jumbled text  from me.....It was from Emma Kate.

After a nice supper, it was time to help me unload the dishwasher. SHE. LOVES. THE. DISHWASHER. I looked up (literally was a lapse of 2.5 seconds) and she was standing in the dishwasher!!!!!!

There was water standing in the door where a cup had caught some during the wash cycle. I split the water in the door and didn't think anything about it, until the lil' booger was standing on the door splashing in it!!!!

And the rest of the time (about 30 minutes) was spent with us laughing at her and taking pictures.

I know it looks like she was playing with the pigs. What can I say? She had fun eating her supper tonight. She needed to go through the heavy wash on the dishwasher! She was so dirty! Cereal was caked into her hair and her lil' face had cereal crusted on it!

There is nothing cuter than baby feet. Especially fat lil' baby feet!!!!!

What a blessing this lil' booger is! We had a blast laughing today. As Granny would have said.... "We were making memories".

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 17th, 18th, and 19th

We are now settled back into our home. It was a hard week with the passing of Robert's Granny. I was able to take a few shots here and there, but I have all intentions of getting back into the groove of things tomorrow!

Is this not the cutest face ever!!!!

I cannot believe that the year is almost at an end! I look forward to what this next year is going to bring our little family.

Friday, December 17, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 14th, 15th, and 16th

I fell off the blog band wagon, but for good reasons. My husband's grandmother passed away Tuesday morning. Granny was an amazing woman, wife, mother, and grandmother. She walked with the Lord everyday, and was a great influence on many. Her walk with the Lord was made evident in her day to day life, and we are all grateful for everything she did. We will miss Granny dearly, but we all know she is at home with the Lord and PawPaw and is happy and healthy now.

We have spent the last few days at her house, with the family. Emma Kate has been the center of attention and had been able to bring us many laughs during this sad time. Even though I have taken pictures everyday, I just want to share a couple of photos.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 13th

Plotting the attack on the house.......... They have become best buds. It is so cute.
Today's goal....take everything out of cabinets, baskets, etc so mommy can put it up. Take all diapers out of the basket on the changing table.....check.

Had to throw this one in because she just learned how to put the phone to her ear........

Next step.....throw toys out of the basket. We did this for several minutes. She threw them out and I threw them in and she laughed and we started all over again.......

Look at me mama....I am standing all by myself next to the Christmas tree!

Giving some lovin' to her favorite pal, Charlie.

Final remove all tupperware and plastic bowls from the cabinet. Do what has to be done to pull it all out, even climb into the cabinet if necessary..............

And finally, showing me that she is a future seamstress. I had been sewing today, and took the sewing machine off the kitchen table and set it on the floor. Looked over while cooking, and she was mesmerized by the machine. She loves to sit in my lap while I sew. A girl after my own heart!!!!

Good night!!!! Oh, and for just the heck of it.............I am throwing this freakin' adorable picture in just because. She loved bath time tonight. Call it the most adorable thing EVER!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 12th

Let it Snow!!!! It is Emma Kate's first snow.....of course it didn't stick and it was too cold for me to take her out in it, so I took a picture!

Okay, so you probably can't see the snow flakes. it is so obvious that we don't get much snow around these parts. We get WAY TOO excited about the chance of a chance of flurries. School got out early the other day because there was a small chance of flurries......yes, I am serious. Do not judge us! Okay, judge us. I judge us.

I have the cutest baby in the world. And for the record, I can say that because every mom in the world thinks that their child is the cutest child in the world. SO, my baby is. the. cutest. baby. in. the. world.

Charlie and Emma Kate love boxes and they love each other too! Lil' ham loves to play naked with her towel on her after her bath. She and Charlie played like this for several minutes this morning.

It was cold, obviously, so Emma Kate and I spent the afternoon inside putting up "stuff" that she has outgrown. She was a big help!

And we ended the day, making our "run" around the kitchen/dining area/living room before going to get a bath and bed. We have a huge problem keeping her socks on her feet......note to self, teach her that socks stay on her feet and not in her mouth. Silly girl!

Stay warm tonight!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

December Photo Project Dec 11th

Oh how I love rainy Saturdays, especially the ones when my husband is off work! We spent the entire day together!!!!! of course Emma Kate woke me up early this morning (as usual) and we played and had breakfast and a bath before daddy woke up. As you can see, our little girl is a ham! Always being funny!

She brought her sunglasses to me and wanted me to put them on her.........Silly girl!

She is growing up everyday, because today she started standing by herself without holding onto something for may have been the that she was concentrating on the snacks on the table, but no matter.....she stood there and ate them forever without grabbing hold of the table. Take note that her pal Charlie is watching her intently in case she drops something (he doesn't want her to have to bend over to pick it up I am sure.....HAHA! He is always under her feet when she eats).

Til tomorrow~

December Photo Project Dec 10th

I can't believe I am hanging strong with the photo project! Go me! Well, lil' bit and I hung around the house this morning (because we are exhausted from the lack of thanks to those dadgum teeth!) and then we ventured out into the cold to run errands this afternoon. I have to say that I am a BIG bargain hunter and I NEVER pay full price for ANYTHING! So, I got a $10 gift card to Kohls in the mail (they mail me one every 6 weeks or so) and then I printed a 15% off total purchase coupon.....and off to Kohls we went!
We searched through the infant clothes (there is not one tootin' cute little baby girl thing anywhere! It all looks like junk. I want sweet, just fyi). So, I found a pair of leggings to go with a jumper I made and then we made our way to the toys. Man, did Emma Kate and I have fun with the toys! I know that Christmas is just around the corner and I bought all her toys and such back in September, but I needed to feel like a part of the buying in December, ya' know. So, we picked out a toy. ........... Ready for the big part?????????
I bought a $10 pair of leggings and a $30 toy (all for EK) used my $10 gift card, my coupon, plus the in store sale prices and I only paid............................................... drum role.............. $8.59!!!!!!!!! That is correct o mundo ....... I bought  $40 worth of merchandise for lil' bit and paid $8.59.....I LOVE saying that over and over. GO ME! I couldn't wait until Christmas to give her the toy because we had too much fun playing with it in the store and it came with a music cd and we just had to listen to music and dance to it!

Here is lil' bit with her new toy.... a phone that that rings and plays music and teaches colors and numbers. I think she likes it!

We finished the night with a little supper, some playtime with Charlie, and a little Christmas Tree enjoyment.

Good night followers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poem for all those SAHM

Song for a Fifth Child

By Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due,
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo.

The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.